What's on in 2023!

Memberships are due for renewal or subscription throughout the month of March
Doors open from 7 pm
The service starts from
7.30 pm until 9 pm.
It is very disruptive for the mediums when phones keep ringing, buzzing or bleeping throughout the demonstrations so be aware if this happens you may be asked to leave. Thank you.
Our membership scheme runs from March until March and therefore anyone wishing to join any other month will still have to renew memberships the following March.
Due to rising costs we regrettably have had to increase the cost of our membership discount scheme to £15 to help us keep the doors of this church open. Entry costs for our Full Mediumship evenings have also increased to £6 for non-members and £3 for members giving you a saving of up to £36 per annum. If you are interested in joining us then please ask one of our volunteer committee members who will be happy to help and provide you with the forms that are required to join. Many thanks.
Full Evening of Mediumship Schedule
19.30 hrs; Service begins with Opening Prayer by the medium, followed by The Lord's Prayer (which we sing) #No1 in the hymn book.
19.35hrs; We sing a song (previously a hymn)
19.40hrs; Demonstration of clairvoyance by visiting Medium.
20.53hrs; Demonstration ends & any notices are given.
20.55hrs; Closing prayer by medium followed by The Benediction #No3 in the hymn book.
21.00hrs; Service ends.
Divine Service Schedule
19.30 hrs; Service begins with opening prayer given by the medium, followed by the Lord's Prayer (which we sing) which is No1 in the hymn book.
19.35 hrs; Healing hymn and healing silence- names are read out from our healing list ( please ask on entry to the venue if you have names you would like included in our healing prayer so we can add them to the list for you)
19.40 hrs; Reading from the chair or a member of the congregation
19.42 hrs; Offertory Hymn, Prayer of Thanks
19.45 hrs; Philosophy from guest medium
19.50 hrs; We sing a song instead of a hymn at this point
19.53 hrs; Demonstration of mediumship
20.55 hrs; Demonstration ends, Notices given, Closing Prayer followed by Benediction which is No3 in the hymn book.
21.00 hrs; Service ends
What to expect on your first visit to a Spiritualist Church
Service Begins With A Prayer from our Guest Speaker which is a different clairvoyant medium each week.
Like traditional church services, a spiritualist church will begin the service by singing a hymn. These hymns are a combination of traditional songs and more modern songs. Next, the service moves on to a call for healing
The church has a healing list for people who need spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical healing. You can add your own name to the list or add the name of anyone you know who needs healing. Once the list is read, the spiritualist medium asks all the members to focus their thoughts and send healing to those who need it.
There will be a reading, often a bit of poetry from the person chairing the service or anyone who wishes to bring along something they would like to share with everyone, this may be something you have been inspired to write or something that has touched your heart. We always welcome new material and are happy to read for you if you are shy or feel awkward publicly speaking, so please do not hesitate to ask one of us how you may go about this before the service begins.
The medium will give an address or philosophy which is usually very enlightening and inspiring and this will be followed by a song to help raise the energy in the room - we encourage you to think of the loved ones that have passed over at this time to draw their essence closer to you, which in turn helps make a clearer path to the medium who acts as a channel between worlds to bring evidence of life thereafter with memory links, so you may recognize who wishes to speak with you, guide you and answer your prayers.
Our meeting always closes with a prayer from the medium.
We offer refreshments after our services which is a great opportunity to make friends or if you have any questions you are invited to speak to any of our volunteers or mediums at the end of the night.
What we require of you.
Although we cannot guarantee that everyone will get a message we often find that there are similarities between numerous people so even if the medium does not come to you, you may still be able to take something from what is said. Often we get 2 or more spirits with similar circumstances that link in with the medium at the same time so evidence leading up to messages can be very similar for some and can lead to the medium having to whittle all the evidence down to get to the correct person(s) so please do keep an open mind.
All we ask of you is to have a few quiet moments before you come to ask your spirit friends and family to come to visit with us this evening so they can come to communicate with you and let you know they are around helping you with your daily life. Without an invite how do they know to join the party?
We also ask that if you think a message is for you or if the medium comes to you with evidence and messages, you please speak up and let the medium hear your voice. This helps to secure the link the medium has with the spirit world enabling the messages to flow more freely and for the links to be strong so the messages are given with clarity.
Most of all we want you to enjoy yourselves when you come to our services as do the wonderful spirits that come to visit here each week so leave your troubles outside of the building, draw strength and healing from the wonderful energies from within, and have fun.
We aim to make sure you are safe as you visit our church so, please note;
Attendance is restricted to 60 persons per service.
We ask that you sanitize your hands as you enter the premises.
We ask if you show any symptoms or feel unwell then please stay home.
Please bring your own bottled water to drink...
Refreshments are available after the service with a selection of tea, coffee, hot chocolate, or a variety of herbal tea and biscuits in the adjoining room and everybody is welcome to join us.
Thank you for your patience in these trying times from us all at Wellingborough Spiritualist Church.
Healing will only be available by appointment with our qualified and insured healers on the premises prior to the service beginning from 6.15 pm until 6.50 pm.
To arrange for free healing from our practitioners, please call or text 07845 606905 to make arrangements or message us via our Facebook pages.
We look forward to seeing you at our next service.