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Quaker church  photo by graham morris.jpg

Welcome, and thank you for visiting Wellingborough Christian Spiritualist Church online.

We hope that our website highlights the fellowship and service opportunities available.

Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in on any Thursday evening for a visit to one of our services.

We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Spiritualism, Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbour and friend.

Services are held in the Friends Meeting House (Quakers)  Wellingborough:

Divine Service is held every Thursday from 7.30 pm until 9 pm and entry is FREE
On the first Thursday of the month, we hold an evening of Mediumship and the entry fee is £6 for non-members and £3 for members.

Any additional services will be announced on our Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, and on our website.


For entertainment purposes only.

Contact Us Telephone;  +44 7845 606905


General Enquiries Email;                   

Bookings Secretary Jasmine Bailey Email;

Invoices/Treasurer Sasha-Louise Email;


© 2015 Wellingborough Christian Spiritualist Church.

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